1) Kuku
Kuku kucing haruslah di potong dari masa ke semasa. Ader orang cakap susah nak potong pasal kucing tu tak leh duduk diam nanti tersalah potong pulak.. Jangan takut.. Sekarang zaman modern, ader pengetip kuku untuk kucing (jangan pakai nailclipper korang lak).. Senang jer, juz press on the toes jadik kuku dier terkeluar & clip nails' ends.. Tapi kalau korang tanak potongkan kuku cat-cat korang, nanti kalau dah panjang & curved... korang nyer carpet, sofa mesti kener kikis nyer.. kwa kwa...
2) Ears and Eyes
You all ader perasan tak kadang2 ur cat scratchin its own telinga.. You noe why? Pasal korang tak bersihkan telinga cat-cat tuu.. it turns from grease deposits to black deposits & this indicates ear mites! Aiyo! Cialat leh! So kalau ader nampak hitam2 sikit kat telinga ur cat, bersihkan lah secepat mungkin.. Tapi jangan pulak you all main poke jer the ears.. use cotton bud ngan sikit baby oil, clean slowly.. Nak bersihkan mata pung samer jugak.. Jangan sembarang jer tonyo kat mata cat-cat tu pakai kuku.. Tapi kalau takut sangat, pergi jumpa vet daa..
3) Gigi
Gigi kucing pung important jugak tau.. Kalau tak jaga, will get gum disease & in severe cases gigi leh tanggal lah beb! You can get those dental biscuit treats & chews from pet shop bukan toothbrush eh! Can't imagine kucing berus gigi.. hehehh..
4) Bulu Pendek & Panjang
- It's obvious nak jaga bulu kucing yang pendek lebih easy dari yang panjang. For bulu yang pendek, pakai narrow toothed steel comb (sikat yang tak renggang giginyer) untuk sikat the dirt away.. This way, the bulu tak banyak gugur.. So you can maintain the shiny soft cat hair. Tapi cats yang berbulu panjang, it's beta for you guys to go to the vet & groom them for the 1st time baru leh buy the brush for future maintanance. Make sure takde bulu terkusut, so dari kitten mesti jaga the bulu oready.. Bistu when the cat licks its own body, mostly it will cause them to get fur balls. N
5) Bathing
Most cats tak suker mandi tapi do you noe it sometimes benefits the cat? Korang kener mandikan ngan warm water & gunakan shampoo khas untuk kucing (Jangan Loreal Coloring Shampoo lak). Okay, mula-mula korang soak the fur but avoid the head area espeacially kener jaga jangan masuk air kat telinga. Kalau kiasu, sumbatkan telinga ngan cotton wool lah.. Lepas tu apply the shampoo on the fur in a massaging movement. *meow* Nie part kucing mesti suker nyer.. Rinse out thoroughly sampai bersih.. You can use a towel to clean its face & towel dry your cat. Korang leh pakai hair dryer - for Persian & semi-long hair breeds is a must...especially kat perut kucing tuu... Yang bulu pendek, kasi dorang lari2 & lick itself lah & it will kering sendrik naturally...
Okay the last thing.. make sure your cat-cat takde fleas!! Lepakkan dah susah payah jaga & bersihkan your kucing bistu ader fleas.. So hopefully these tips will help you all first-timer or not, to carefully pay attention to your cats! Enjoy! *meow*
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